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Our sixth formers attended a day at Stubbers Adventure Centre, where they demonstrated excellent teamwork, kindness, and encouragement towards one another. They participated in a variety of activities, including kayaking, rifle shooting, axe throwing, wall climbing, raft building


Their placements included solicitors, NHS hospitals, engineering companies, roles within the education sector, dentist practices, pharmacies, insurance brokers, Network Rail, banks, tech companies, and many more.


Year 12 students have successfully completed their work experience week, demonstrating commendable effort in securing placements in highly competitive areas. Students have acquired valuable lifelong skills that will significantly enhance their competitive profiles.


A huge thanks goes to Prisca for organising the cultural food stall and to all the students who cooked and baked to make the event so special. Thank you to those who wore clothes representing their cultural heritage. It was a pleasure to celebrate the diversity we have at HSRF.


Culture Day at HRSF was a wonderful celebration of culture, diversity, and inclusion. It was fantastic to see so many of our students wearing their cultural attire and educating others through talks in assembly.


Students have been eagerly preparing for our HSRF Culture Day, a celebration of culture, diversity, and inclusion. This is organised by our Diversity and Inclusion lead, Alicia, with valuable assistance from our student president, Sarah, along with the student leadership team.


This experience sparked many interesting conversations throughout the day, particularly about the abstract ideas behind some of the works. I am excited to see how this exposure will influence the students' personal investigations and the creative work they produce.


This week, our A Level art students visited two prominent London galleries: The National Gallery and The Tate Modern. They had the opportunity to see a vast range of artworks, from the very traditional to the ultra-modern.


Students were given a tour of the grand library and an academic referencing workshop by the university’s librarians. Followed by an undergraduate style lecture by Dr Nicola Abbott, in her specialism, on social psychology and bystanders.


HRSF psychology and sociology students were treated to an academic outreach programme put on by the Institute of Education at University College London.


This week a group of our sixth formers attended an English Literature event at Royal Holloway, University of London. They received keynote lectures on key texts such as Shakespeare’s Othello and were given a tour around the beautiful campus.


Mrs Ward shared her career in politics, including her time working as part of the Foreign Office, and her current work representing local residents in her ward. Students and staff thoroughly enjoyed Mrs Ward's visit and found it insightful to see how local government operates.


On Tuesday 22nd May, Politics students at Harris Rainham Sixth Form received a visit from Mrs Lee Ward, a member of Thurrock Council. Mrs Ward is the councillor for the West Thurrock and South Stifford ward and represents the Labour Party.


HRSF has a Chess Society! Chess is a game of objectivity, concentration and commitment. It has been associated with better educational outcomes, helping students to improve their memory and deepen their focus. If you are interested in joining: Music Room- Thursday Lunch.


Harrison has joined the STEM SMART community, which is a widening participation initiative from the University of Cambridge in association with Isaac Physics. Harrison has so far completed online mastery seminars and will receive support around university applications.


Enoch has successfully achieved a place on the In2STEM pathway. This programme offers a blend of online and in-person activities, equipping sixth formers with the skills, knowledge and confidence needed to excel in STEM.


We wanted to acknowledge more fantastic achievements this week. Enoch and Harrison have both been accepted onto different STEM programmes which will support them on their journey towards university and STEM focused careers.


Congratulations to Aliyah who has been accepted onto the Target Bath programme! Target Bath supports students of Black African and Caribbean heritage to gain places at the University of Bath.


Congratulations to Jomi who has been accepted onto the Bright Ideas Medicine Pathway. Jomi has already benefitted from Saturday sessions and will soon be attending a medical summer school at Anglia Ruskin University. What a fantastic opportunity!


We wanted to congratulate Oden who has been invited to attend an Insight Day with Macquarie, a large asset management group. Oden will then have the opportunity to apply for a work placement and a possible financial scholarship for university through the company. Well done!


The Politics department at Harris Rainham Sixth Form intends to deliver a rich, thorough and challenging curriculum that will enable students to develop an understanding of contemporary institutions and political theory which underpins the world in which we live.

To be a student of politics is to be a student of the world, a global citizen. The political landscape of the UK, and indeed the world, changes on a daily basis. A-Level politics allows for students to develop a range of different skills and characteristics that allow them to:

  • Comprehend and interpret political information in relation to areas of UK government
  • Understand, and critically analyse and evaluate areas of UK government
  • Identify parallels, connections, similarities and differences between content studied, providing a basis for comparing the UK with the USA and appreciating the UK’s position in global politics
  • Construct and communicate arguments and explanations with relevance, clarity and coherence and draw reasoned conclusions
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of key political concepts
  • Develop a wider knowledge and understanding of vocabulary.

Harris rainham sixth form consultation booklet page 08 image 0001By studying Government and Politics at A-Level, students will have the opportunity to learn about the mechanisms of political institutions, political ideologies, key individuals in political history and the impact that each of these have on the whole of society.

Students will understand the ideologies, events and individuals that have shaped modern society. Our students will explore themes such as the development of the UK’s democratic system and the nature of democracy, the role of political parties and the importance of the individual in the political process.

Students will expand their studies to the USA, considered by some to be a ‘beacon of democracy’, learning about the nature of US democracy and the debates surrounding it, such as the nature of the US Constitution and States’ rights.

Students will develop comparisons between US and UK political institutions, which will deepen their understanding of Politics as a discipline. To develop their understanding of theoretical politics, students will examine a range of political ideologies such as socialism, liberalism and conservativism, studying their emergence and impact, while also considering the influence it has had on the UK.

By the end of their two-year study, our students have a refined understanding of the discipline of Politics, are equipped with the wisdom to understand the rapidly changing political landscape, and are successful, happy and informed citizens ready for university and for the career of their choice.

Year 12

In Year 12, the students begin a study of how people and politics interact in the UK. They will draw upon their analytical and evaluative skills learned in subjects such as History, Geography and English at GCSE when exploring the emergence and development of the UK’s democratic system and the role and importance of political parties.

Students will examine how electoral systems in the UK operate and how individuals and groups are influenced in their voting behaviour and political actions. Students will draw upon their analytical and evaluative skills to apply them in a more complex fashion when studying the rules governing politics in the UK, the UK Constitution, which is distinct and almost unique in its nature compared with other countries. In addition, students will cover the role of the legislative, executive and judiciary branches in the UK as well as the relationships between them.

Towards the end of Year 12, students will begin their exploration of political ideologies, learning about the central ideas and principles of each ideology, and how they apply in practice to human nature, the state, society and the economy.

Finally, focus will move to the debates and divisions within each idea and the core beliefs of key thinkers such as Karl Marx, John Locke and Thomas Hobbes. Year 12 will provide students with a solid foundation of political understanding and by the end of the year they will be able to debate and critique all aspects of both politics and government in the UK.

Year 13

Year 13 begins with the study of people and politics in the US democratic system, exploring the nature of the US Constitution and its comparison to the UK.  Progressing on from this, students will examine the electoral process and the emergence of the two-party system. 

Similarly, to their study of UK politics, students will learn about the major branches of the US government, the legislative, executive and judiciary, as well as the relationships between them. Alongside their study of US politics students will learn to conduct comparative analysis by considering the similarities and differences between the US and UK political systems.

By the end of Year 13, students will have mastered their analytical and evaluative skills when interpreting political information covering the rules governing US politics and the core ideas behind ideologies, while also being able to critically analyse and evaluate the debates and arguments central to these themes. They will be able to evaluate whether ‘liberty and justice for all’ has been achieved in the USA, whilst interrogating the debates around the nature of democracy in the USA while also having the ability to compare political institutions in the US with those in the UK.

By the end of their studies our students will have a deep understanding of UK politics, how it is structured and will understand how it shapes society and affects daily life. Students will be well prepared to engage in current debates and critically analyse current affairs. Above all else, students will be prepared to be active participants in society and prepared for university and future careers.

Subject Documents  
Politics Information Sheet Download
Politics Transition Work Year 11 to Year... Download
Politics Transition Work Year 12 to Year... Download
Politics Year 12 Long Term Plan Download
Politics Year 13 Long Term Plan Download